The Vermont Maker Project, a not-for-profit endeavor begun in June 2023, profiles and promotes Vermont companies that make something unique from scratch, or nearly from scratch, be they farmers or bakers, instrument makers or sugar makers, people who make fancy sauces or swanky bags, delicious chocolate or beautiful knives.
We do this because we believe it is vital to support and promote locally-made products and producers, and because we love sharing the stories of Vermont's creative community.
How to Join: To participate, a maker should have an active business in Vermont and be active on social media. Simply fill out the form here. That will add you to our database. We can't profile everyone, but we will do our best to capture and share stories about a diverse range of businesses and makers. There is no cost to makers to be profiled or featured.
When: A new feature story is released on our website every month and is also shared on sponsor websites and social media channels, with copious cross-linking to the featured maker’s channels.
What happened to the silent e in vermont mād? We have a history of making up words and encouraging people to rethink language. And we just like the oddity and double meaning of vermont mād – the line over the a signals to pronounce it "hard", as in "vermont made" – because we're a bit mad about things mād in Vermont. But we're not forcing this on anyone. You can add back the silent e if you like, and you'll alwasys find us at both and (and also One project, many domains :)